DNA Replication - Do you want to know 100% quick information?

DNA Replication is a semi-conservative method in which DNA makes a copy itself.

It occurs in the S Phase of cell division, in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


Now we are going to introduce our topic.

Table of content:
1. What is DNA Replication?
2. What are the enzymes of DNA Replication?
3. What are the steps of the DNA Replication process?
4. Is DNA Replication a semi-conservative method?
5. What are the types of DNA Replication with respect to cells?
6. Summary
7. Conclusion {alertSuccess}

What is DNA Replication?

What is DNA replication exactly,

So we can say DNA Replication is defined as a process in which a DNA synthesis and makes a copy of itself.

It occurs in the S Phase of cell division. In both, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, this process occurs. It is a semi-conservative method.

DNA replication organized in the living cells nucleus.

The DNA replication occurs from double-stranded to single-stranded DNA to double-stranded.

DNA has the potential to make a copy of itself therefore it is called Autocatalysis.

So from DNA to DNA’s autocatalysis and from DNA to RNA s hetero catalysis.

What are the enzymes of DNA Replication?

Now, remember, these are just some major key players that help to complete the process. Many of the key players are enzymes.

  1. Helicase: the unzipping enzyme. You know that DNA has 2 strands, and the helicase unzipped the two strands of DNA. When unzipping, the hydrogen bonds are broken through.
  2. DNA Polymerase: the builder. This enzyme helps to replicate DNA molecules to build a new strand of DNA molecules.
  3. Primase: The initializer. As great as DNA polymerase is, DNA polymerase can’t figure out where to get started without something called a primer.

Primase makes the primer so that DNA polymerase can understand where to go to start to work.

Do you know what’s kind of interesting about the primer it makes? The primer is actually made of RNA.

4. Ligase: the gluer. It helps glue DNA fragments together. More about why you would need that later on.

5.DNA polymerase 3 is the major enzyme involved in DNA replication DNA polymerase 3 can only add a nucleotide to the 3 prime ends of the pre-existing chain of nucleotides and it can not initiate a nucleotide chain.

6. RNA polymerase called primates constructs an RNA primer a sequence of about 10 nucleotides complementary to the parent DNA.

What are the steps of the DNA Replication process?

In the previous,

We are already discussing that,

DNA is able to perform two processes one is known as autocatalysis and the other is known as hetero catalysis.

In Autocatalysis DNA would make a DNA molecule from DNA.

And Hetero catalytic means from DNA to RNA synthesized.

The DNA replication is under the first process that is an autocatalytic process.

How from one double-helical DNA strand we get two double-helical strands and the next one is hydro catalytic that means from DNA you would get RNA and this process is known as transcription.

I think DNA replication is a great video game in our real life.

There are many steps are presented there,


Let’s start with respect to steps of DNA replication one by one,

I have made separate diagrams for each step so that you can understand easily and here we are using eukaryotic cells.

Steps of DNA Replication-Image-1

Step 1:

First, we need to activate all the nucleotides.

The activation of all the nucleotides is called dNTPs.

Step 2:

In step two we need to find out the origin of replication when you talk about the origin of replication with respect to the cell it will be totally different.

If it’s a Prokaryotic cell the DNA is very small, so we can say they have only one origin of replication.

But if it’s a Eukaryotic cell they have linear DNA or large DNA and they have many origins of replication so we need to understand searching the origin of replication is the most important task to be done so it is.

Step number two find out the origin of the replication step.

Steps of DNA Replication-Image-3

Step 3:

In step 3 says,

After getting the origin just give a cut a nick or incision in the DNA.

Now when you do that it is done with the help of the enzyme endo-nuclease.

So it cuts the DNA somewhere inside.

So we can say that is step number 3 with the help of the enzyme endonuclease cut the DNA at the origin of replication but still the DNA will be attached to each other with the help of a bond that is called the hydrogen bonds.

Step 4:

Step 4 what we are going to do there is called unbinding or unzipping of DNA.

It is done with the help of one of the most important enzymes DNA helicase.

The DNA helicase in this case is to breaks all the hydrogen bonds.

A is joined to T by two hydrogen bonds and C to G by three hydrogen bonds.

So A and T will require less energy and C and G will require more energy and that energy is provided by ATP. so once the DNA hydrogen bond is broken down with the help of DNA helicase.

Step 5:

So that becomes step number five,

Is to prevent the inter coiling or you can say coiling of the DNA among itself so we use SSBP(single-stranded binding protein) to prevent into coiling of DNA.

So what we need to understand here this DNA should be in the form of Y shape replicating form we make use of

SSBP (single-stranded binding protein).

So let us take the look at this diagram nowhere it says that they both you know understands they have intro coil among each other so when we use essence BP.

It makes the DNA strand straight so that it appears like a y-shaped replicating form now one of the most important things.

If you have seen two threads listed among each other and if you pull the thread from the center it opens up and forms a bubble but the upper end of the thread undergoes a tension so DNA also undergoes attention.

Steps of DNA Replication-Image3

Step 6:

So step number six,

Becomes what release of tension caused due to unbinding of the DNA due to Binding the upper part of the DNA suffers a tension and if the tension continues the DNA might break.

So here we make use of one of the special enzymes called topo-isomerase.

Now, this you put the enzyme topoisomerase what happens it unbinds see it releases the tension as you can see in the diagram the tension is released and one of the most important things you need to understand that topoisomerase is also called as DNA gyrase.

Step 7:

Just remember this after this,

We have step number seven,

Now, what is step seven basically it’s a formation of RNA primer?

When we usually what primer means small fragments RNA primer means a small fragment of RNA it is synthesized with the help of the enzyme DNA primase what is the role of the RNA primer.

The only problem with RNA primer is that it always binds only and only at the three prime ends of the PNA so on one strand or one template of the DNA it is three prime and is easily available.

So RNAprimer knows where to bind it so we can say let’s five prime three prime.

So on the three prime what happens the DNA the RNA primer binds basically,

So here is the RNA primer which is bound to three prime ends but on the other template, it is not possible so RNA primer can bind many places.

Step 8:

Now if you are going for step number eight,

That is a synthesis of a new DNA strand for the synthesis of a new DNA strand.

The very important factor that comes into the picture is DNA polymerase.

Now the DNA polymerase out of three types one type two and type three.

So here type three is used for the synthesis of a new DNA strand but the only problem of DNA polymerase is it can add nucleotide only five prime to three prime directions of the strand.

So again it has a condition for continuity or continuous addition now when you talk about DNA polymerase it attracts all the activity nucleotides that we have activated in step one now with respect to template nucleotides will be joined and new strands of the DNA will be formed.

Is DNA Replication a semi-conservative method?


DNA Replication a semi-conservative method.

In the year of 1958, there are two scientists, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl discover this truth.


In the previous,

Crick proposed three types of DNA replication.

it means there can be anyone possibility out of three:

1. conservative method

2. dispersive method and

3. semi-conservative method

We talk about the conservative method basically it means conserved where the parental DNA will remain the same it will remain conserved.

And the Dispersive method the parent ER and the new DNA will mix with each other.

And semi-conservative means what the half.

So let us understand in the conservative method this is the parent of DNA it remains preserved as it is and new daughter DNA is formed.

When we talk about the dispersive method in this method the parental DNA.

And the daughter DNA both get mixed with each other means in reality we get a totally new type of DNA were with different features.


when I talk about the semiconservative method then we can say that one of the Strand means the parental strand and the other one is the newly synthesized daughter strand.

So one that means 50 percent of the DNA is parented and later on when studies were made it was observed that the DNA replication is only of semiconservative.

Basically, The “Semiconservative Replication” method is a method of “DNA replication“, by which two DNA are produced. Every DNA has one parent strand and one new strand.

What are the types of DNA Replication with respect to cells?

There are two types of DNA Replication occurring in living cells:

  1. In the prokaryotic cell: the circular type of DNA is present. On there, the DNA replication is performed through the “theta model”.
  2. In the Eukaryotic cell: the linear type of DNA is present. On there, the DNA replication is performed through the ” Y-shaped replicating fork model”.

This is the DNA when it opens up and a new DNA is getting formed then it appears like a theta so we say it’s the theta module.

Y shape replicating fork “Rosalind franklin” it develops a different kind of form so this is ay-shaped replicating fork off DNA.



let’s understand,

Overall DNA replication.

So this is the DNA that has unbind it 3-prime in a 5-prime.

The most important enzyme which breaks all the hydrogen bond.

If you remember it is DNA helicase also called a protein tension of the DNA’s released by the help of enzyme topoisomerase, which is also called DNA guidance.

These are all SSBP single-stranded binding protein which holds the DNA straight and prevents the inter coiling of the unwind a DNA most important part what we need to understand here.

Now is the RNA primer which always binds to the three prime ends of the template.

So this is three prime ends so the other end becomes 5′ prime and this is RNA primer or not the other strand RNA primer can mine it multiple places.

Now here there are many DNA polymerases every time it comes and goes.

DNA polymerase 3 or one template on one strand there is a continuous synthesis of DNA but on another, it is not continuous because on one strand only 5 prime to 3 prime direction is available which is called as a leading strand or it is also called as continuo our strand.

But another it is not continuously available so it is called or discontinuous strand and this the DNA synthesized in the form of broken fragments called Okazaki fragments.

So these Okazaki fragments basically have broken fragments what we can understand here this is the lead lagging strand this one is the leading strand in fact which is a continuous strand and the DNA is synthesized at a faster rate but in another area,

You can see that the DNA synthesized in the form of broken fragments these fragments are Okazaki one of the Japanese scientists lagging strand or the broken fragments they are joined to each other by the help of a special enzyme called DNA ligase,

And this DNA ligase sticks all the Okazaki fragments and makes the DNA proper one and at the end the RNA primer is removed so it is a semiconservative method of DNA replication where 50 percent is the parental DNA and 50 percent is a new lease strand.


So my dear friends,
Hope you have understood the concept of DNA replication.
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